Viciunai Group includes surimi, fish, seafood, salad, and flour production companies in Lithuania and other countries around the world, as well as trading and logistics companies in many European and East Asian countries. Viciunai Group contributes to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources and ensures compliance with the highest international standards. This Policy is an integral part of Viciunai Group's Vision and Values, Food Safety and Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Human Rights and Social Responsibility, Transparency and Business Ethics policies. It is publicly available and accessible to employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, the public and other stakeholders.
The Group's management is guided by the following environmental principles in its activities, in order to appreciate and respect the needs of all stakeholders and to contribute to the objectives of the climate change programme and the reduction of the CO2 footprint:
Consumer Safety and Health
· To ensure consumer safety and health by producing and marketing products and services that meet the highest global standards for food safety, quality and environmental protection.
· To use advanced environmentally friendly technologies, raw materials, products and services throughout our business chain.
· To ensure the implementation of legislation, regulations, applicable standards, national and international agreements in the field of food safety, environment and climate change mitigation.
Conservation of Living Natural Resources
· To promote responsible consumption and contribute to conservation initiatives, including but not limited to MSC, ASC, ECO, Global GAP, by sourcing certified raw materials and certifying our own products, thus ensuring responsible use of living resources throughout the entire supply chain, from the supplier to the end consumer.
Use of Environmental and Energy Resources
· To use electricity, water, gas and other resources sparingly and efficiently, including “green” electricity from renewable energy sources.
· To monitor and reduce the environmental impact of resource consumption and activities.
Use of Chemicals and Prevention of Potential Incidents
· To ensure the efficient use of chemicals, look for alternative, environmentally friendly chemical means.
· To carry out prevention of potentially dangerous emergency situations and pollution to prevent negative environmental impact.
Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Food Waste
· To contribute to the objectives of reducing food waste by ensuring that safe products are not discarded before the end of their shelf-life, but are instead disposed of safely and responsibly.
· To optimise the packaging of our products and to continuously explore new, innovative and environmentally friendly packaging options.
· To control and reduce the generation of raw materials and packaging waste during production and ensure correct sorting.
Employee Awareness and Involvement
· To raise awareness and sensitise employees about the environment and climate change, and make them aware of and responsible for their environmental impact.
Cooperation and Involvement of Business Partners
· To cooperate and exchange information on environmental issues with business partners, public authorities and other stakeholders and bodies.
· To seek cooperation only with reliable suppliers who are committed to environmental legislation and contribute to reducing environmental impacts and climate change.
Improvement of the Environmental System and SBTi Objectives
· To continuously improve the effectiveness of the environmental protection system by analysing its performance, taking into account the expectations of stakeholders and designing measures to reduce environmental impacts and climate change.
· To set science-based climate change reduction targets (SBTI) no later than by 2026.
The management of Viciunai Group is committed to the implementation of this Environmental Policy, to the allocation of the necessary resources to achieve the objectives of the Environmental Policy and the objectives set out thereunder and invites all employees of the Group to join forces in the pursuit of these common objectives.
We continuously monitor compliance with the principles of the Policy and implement specific monitoring and control systems. Any irregularities detected shall be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor or the Company's designated person in charge. In order to ensure proper implementation of the provisions of the Policy, prevention of violations, transparency and trust, the Company has established a Transparency Line by tel. No. +37052103300 and by e-mail for confidential reporting of violations of the Policy and for obtaining the necessary information related to its implementation.
The Company guarantees the confidentiality of whistleblowers and takes all measures to protect whistleblowers from any possible negative consequences.