Viciunai Group includes surimi, fish, seafood, salad, and flour production companies in Lithuania and other countries around the world, as well as trading and logistics companies in many European and East Asian countries. Viciunai Group contributes to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources and ensures compliance with the highest international standards. This Policy is an integral part of Viciunai Group's Vision and Values, Occupational Health and Safety, Human Rights and Social Responsibility, Environmental Protection and Transparency and Business Ethics policies. It is publicly available and accessible to employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, the public and other stakeholders.
The Group's management is guided by the principles of product and service quality, food safety and ethical business practices, while valuing and respecting the needs of all stakeholders:
Quality of Products and Services
· To maximise customer needs and expectations, their trust and loyalty by ensuring stable and high quality, authenticity and compliance with legislation and customer requirements for products and services (production, storage and delivery).
· To improve products and services by introducing new technologies and best practices that enable us to deliver safe, high-quality products to our customers.
· To ensure the implementation of legislation, applicable standards and other regulations covering all areas of our activities.
Quality and Authenticity of Raw Materials and Packaging
· To ensure the quality, safety and prevention of adulteration and falsification of incoming raw materials and packaging, through continuous assessment of the compliance and authenticity of raw materials and packaging, and periodic supplier audits.
Food Safety and Quality Culture
· To implement a culture of food safety and quality throughout the food supply chain by raising awareness among employees of the importance of food safety and hygiene and the risks of food safety. To identify and inform employees in all areas of their role and responsibility for food safety and quality and ensure effective communication between employees in the Company at all areas and levels, including communication of deviations, suggestions for improvement and employee expectations.
Employee Competences and Training
· To continuously improve the qualifications of employees, to encourage their involvement in the improvement of their performance, the realisation of their talents and their self-expression, to develop their awareness and responsibility for food safety and quality, to ensure the safety and well-being of the employees, by enforcing the norms of occupational health and safety, social responsibility, and ethical standards in the working environment.
Maintenance and Continuous Improvement
· To continuously improve of the food safety and quality culture and the food safety management system. To improve its effectiveness by analysing results and taking account of customer expectations and feedback.
The management of Viciunai Group is committed to the implementation of this Food Safety and Quality Policy, to the allocation of the necessary resources to achieve the set objectives, and invites all the employees of the Group to work together to achieve these common goals.
We continuously monitor compliance with the principles of the Policy and implement specific monitoring and control systems. Any irregularities detected shall be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor or the Company's designated person in charge. In order to ensure proper implementation of the provisions of the Policy, prevention of violations, transparency and trust, the Company has established a Transparency Line by tel. No. +37052103300 and by e-mail for confidential reporting of violations of the Policy and for obtaining the necessary information related to its implementation.
The Company guarantees the confidentiality of whistleblowers and takes all measures to protect whistleblowers from any possible negative consequences.