Viciunai Group are specialists in manufacturing surimi, fish and flour products.More
Viciunai Group has established 15 distribution and sales offices all over the Europe.More
Viciunai UAB was established in 1991. The company is involved in international cargo transportation.More
Viciunai Group is one of the largest and economically powerful producers of crab taste sticks, surimi products and fish in Europe. More
Viciunai Group products and activities are awarded with medals in Lithuania and abroad. More
Viciunai Group is socially responsible company. More
„Vičiūnų“ įmonių grupės vizija ir vertybėsMore
Our committed team take care of day to day activity and ensuring our success. If you have any inquiries or remarks please feel free to contact our central office in Kaunas (Lithuania) or one of our regional sales office.
Transparency and business ethics policy
Food safety and quality policy
Environmental policy
Sustainable procurement policy and code of conduct
Policy on occupational safety and health, social responsibility and human rights